Humber Chat App
Share your work with classmates, get feedback, and boost up each other!

Project Description

We were tasked with creating a Chat App to be used by the students of the Multimedia Program to quickly contact each other to discuss class projects or other topics.

Thinking Process

Since I started my Multimedia design course, I have discussed with some of my classmates about a problem, which is infrequent communication opportunities with other classmates. We often share work inspiration in within a group project, but we do not have other opportunity to share experience with other classmates not in the same group. I often tried to show my projects to classmates and get their feedbacks, and I believe that allows me to broaden the design value. My team decided to create an app not only for chatting, but also it can be used as a student’s communication tool so students can share their work and share their passion with each other.

The Result

Final mockup you can see here.

Research of Chatapp User Flow Diagram of Chatapp Sketches of Chatapp Static Wireframe of Chatapp Complete screens on iphone